The Pros and Cons of Gums in Foods

I've always avoided Xanthan Gum, which doesn't add calories, but neither does it provide nutrients and may irritate the digestive system. It has benefits as many gums do (link in the comments below), but some IMHO are better than others. I really wish Acacia Gum was used more. "Given the effects most gums can produce in many individuals, it seems best to simply avoid them. One exception is gum arabic [Acacia Gum], which has shown digestive benefits. Consumption should be at reasonable, low levels, and the potential for allergy should be considered." In addition Acacia Gum may have some health benefit in alleviating the effects of chronic renal failure. Read on!

PubMed: Effects of gum Arabic ingestion on body mass index and body fat percentage in healthy adult females: two-arm randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind trial

Healthline: Xanthan Gum — Is This Food Additive Healthy or Harmful?


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