Why Being Called “Hormonal” is Unfair

What's the real "cost" of having low energy?

My friend Dr. Trevor Cates and her guests talk about it in Hormones, Health & Harmony – which is coming back for you to watch on September 13, 2022. 

When you don’t have energy, you can feel cranky…

  • Irritable…

  • Unfocused…

  • Achy…

And you don’t have the motivation to get essential tasks done or the energy to focus on time with your family and children, or a hobby that you love. 

Worst of all, women are often accused of acting “hormonal” or “crazy” when they don’t feel their best. 

THAT is not right and it’s not fair. But what happens when every day is a low-energy day? That’s a bigger problem that has a root cause. In fact, if you spend most of your days in a low-energy state, you’re going to miss out on some of life’s most beautiful moments.

I don’t want that for you – and I know you don’t want that either. You don’t have to settle for low-energy or a life out of balance.  And here’s what most women DON’T know.

Hormonal harmony is the KEY to living a healthy, vibrant, and energetic life!

When your hormones are balanced, you’ll have high energy and you can accomplish all of the goals you set for yourself…

  • You’ll be more creative...

  • More productive...

  • Better equipped to deal with the challenges of life...

And people will notice that something is different about you and ask what you’re doing. 

However, achieving this state requires a more comprehensive and holistic approach. A natural approach based on nurturing the unique biology of being a woman. That can be a challenge if you don't know where to look for the best information… Especially if you’re getting mixed messages from your doctor, the media, or somewhere else. You can go from one health practitioner to the next seeking the answers…

Or you can watch the “Hormones, Health & Harmony” with the best, most up-to-date information about women’s health.

Dr. Cates interviewed 50 world-class experts in hormonal health to help you get balanced and take control of your health. 

The series is going live on Tuesday, September 13, and it’s completely free to watch for a limited time.

Dr. Cates and her colleagues are about to reveal what has never been shared before… And it’s going to change the landscape of how women approach and talk about their health forever. 

Reserve your seat TODAY so you don’t miss this.

Nothing compares to feeling like you have all the energy in the world to do anything you want…

YOU can have that feeling too. This documentary makes it possible for you.

Can’t wait for you to see it!

P.S. WATCH this documentary and take control of your health… If you’ve ever had a question about fatigue, lack of drive, hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, or anything else that’s holding your energy and vitality back… you MUST tune in. 


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